Sunday, April 10, 2005

more sleep, thank you

i've found that one way to test your level of alertness in the morning is to read the ap wire headlines first thing upon waking.

for example, this morning i read "cardinals cast net for pope's successor". the first thing i thought was "ok, who is pope? and what position are the cardinals going to have to replace now that he's gone? isn't it a little early in the baseball season for trades??"

jeez. someone needs to go back to bed....

on an entirely different note, modest mouse and guided by voices were on austin city limits. yaaaay!!

i've always liked modest mouse better as a live band. but my main draw to the show was gbv! i didn't get to see them on their last tour. (did they even stop in memphis?? the last i recall them being here was in 2002?? i know it was at the deli, i saw it. they had dollar pabst that night. ick.)

anyway, robert pollard did the whole swaggering, cock rock frontsman shctick on the show and it was good. we are very amused!

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