Tuesday, June 02, 2015


remember those shiro-hige totoro cookies that i mentioned in an earlier post?  as promised, here are some pictures of the adorable things!

they come wrapped in a very sturdy box making them easy to transport. they all made it back to the states with hardly a crumble!

the cookies are also individually wrapped by style. leaves, totoro (!!), chocolate mushroom, trefoil and 3D MUSHROOM!!! (notice my jiji mug? I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!)

here are the unwrapped cookies.

and a closeup of that 3d mushroom! isn't it WONDERFUL?!?!

the cookies were very delicate in texture and all but melt in your mouth. the flavors were subdued, perfect for drinking with tea! (i love this type of cookie! it's very much like a british biscuit only much softer.)

i do not know how shiro-hige does it! that bakery is exceptional! if you are ever in tokyo PLEASE do yourself a favor and pay them a visit! 

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