Monday, December 10, 2007

more toys and trish grantham

dearest readers, this morning i am as sleepy as a stack of domokuns.

but that's fine because i've had mucho fun this past weekend hanging out at schmancy. i got to see "sugar booger" go to a good home.

and that's always nice and not really something a lot of people can say, if you think about it.

i do have to tell you that i nearly died when i got my first glance of the new monsterism series. (series 4, for those of you keeping score.)

i want to own them all!

other good things: trish grantham has a show up at nancy and pants that is definitely worth checking out. here is but a small sample.

don't you just love the bird on the top left?

other fun things from this weekend: commuting via monorail. seriously, i cannot tell you how goofy this is. it is *really* hard to be grumpy about not having had coffee yet when you're zipping downtown in 1960's "future" technology.

also, the tourists are amusing.

one other shining beacon of ridiculous brightness? the guys at the engineering shop across the street got a wii this last week and it's been fun to watch them leap around playing "wii sports" when i have downtime.

right, i gots to take some zinc (to ward off leff's naaaasty cold) and head down to the monorail.

don't forget that tonight is the moore's 100 anniversary party. they're having cake in the shape of the moore! (i've been assured that it looks INCREDIBLE! i can't wait to see it!)

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