Monday, June 04, 2007

parks, boats, etc

someone took the song title "please visit your national parks" just a little too literally yesterday. oh, and they also applied it on the local level instead of the national level.

leff and i went on a park sprenzy yesterday. first to david rogers.

then, since it's on the way home from trader joes, we walked past kerry park.

erm, that's not kerry park but i'm sure you've guessed that.

while we were walking home, a called wanting to get some lunch. we were going to eat at gasworks after picking up some food from pcc but we took the wrong street and ended up crossing the damn freemont bridge again. instead of dealing with traffic, we decided to just eat in solu. (but not before seeing this knitta.)

look! a dragon boat!

for some reason, i thought that the center for wooden boats had already started their sunday boat rides, so we hoofed it to their docks. sadly, it doesn't start until the end of the month. but we still got to hang out with some tiny boats.

the rest of the day wasn't too exciting since it involved reorganization of our storage space. which means that the apt is a total wreck at the moment. ungh. hopefully, i'll be working on restoring our living quarters to nonsqualor state today.


Anonymous said...

the cwb public rides are on sundays, all year round!

r4kk4 said...

ah, then the flyer posted at cwb must have been about the water taxi.
