Friday, July 29, 2005

hot listing

my tiny blog got a nice mention on hot list today. (here's the blurb, sorry to force flickr you again, but i couldn't find a permalink on the original site.)

so a special hello to those of you that are here because of patrick holland. (also thanks to the real gilmore girl for pointing it out to me! and thanks to mr. holland for giving me the write up in the first place!)

for the record, i don't really know what's going on with the posts either. *wink and a nudge*

oh, before i forget, the pretzels are done.

i made soft pretzels!

(fyi: it's hard to photograph soft pretzels and not have them look like salty dog crap.)


swapatorium said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
swapatorium said...

Whoops, sorry I had to delete the above comment. Made an error. Anyhow, congrats on getting noticed!

I think your pretzels look yummy!

r4kk4 said...

nothing to worry about, snap! :D!

thank you!!

i would send you some pretzels in the mail, but i think they might be hard as rocks by the time they got there.

r4kk4 said...

i've been having blogger trouble lately.

case in point, this comment from the real gilmore girl was never posted. (i got an email notification though so at least i can repost. sigh...stupid blogger...)

Thanks for the blog support, which is more than I can say for a lot of folks! (esp those blogger buttheads) But anyway, I wanted to give you the official link to Patrick's buzz list. Okay, here's the link:,19513,,00.html

it's no.7 let me know if it doesn't work.

He and his buddy Steve at are true comedians without even trying. They're both up here in NY as well. Patrick was kind enough to reply to my many questions about writing and how he got his gig I am a loyal reader of his buzz list.

Oh, one other note, once you've gone through the massive "War and Peace" aka my Crystal Clear Confusion blog, check out my new blog at Happy Gillmore blogspot. I finally got the darn thing to work. Stupid blogger.

Sorry, enough of the rant. Btw, the pretzels look great!

Posted by "The REAL Gillmore Girl" to glitter pissing at 7/29/2005 03:20:08 PM