Saturday, July 22, 2006

826 cakes!

i finished them! HOORAY!! so, here they all are. once again, the nes cake with controller:

the ms pacman cake and the centipede cake, side view:

the front view:

i'm not too happy with either of those. oh, well. too late to do anything about it now.

and a better pic of the gameboy cake:

there's tetris on the screen. i made tetris cookies to go with it because it's a small cake and it needed something.

now i've got to dash. i need to get a shower in before the wonderful volunteer arrives to pick up my cakes. then it's off to ballard to, hopefully, tour the top of the library. this will be followed by breakfast and a quick hop to the phinney ridge comm center for the 826 variety show and cakewalk. after that, it's haircuts. and then, if we still have energy (which i'm doubting) it's off to the center for bite of seattle.

*whew!* i'm exhausted just reading that.


Anonymous said...

you are cakester cool female! have fun!

r4kk4 said...

aw, *blushing!* thanks, burnt! :D!

Irregular Shed said...

Boingboinged. Nice one =) I got boinged on Friday with my Goatse t-shirt... a good weekend!

r4kk4 said...

you know that we always tag team on press, shedlette! :D! it wouldn't be right if we didn't!

congrats on your shirt mention, btw! i missed seeing it, sorry!

Rachel said...

Awesome! We have that Centipede in the store. My favorite arcade game from when I was a kid. Besides Gorf.

r4kk4 said...

you're KIDDING!!! god, we've got to get up to baltimore to visit you guys!!

i'm going to play both centipede and ms pacman today because we're going back to the game on exhibit with some friends! w00ts!

Phil Wilson said...

See, ain't that a bummer about not using Flickr any more, that you have this whole set over there, and everyone pointing there for stuff, and there's nothing you can really do about it? Websites suck :(

r4kk4 said...

oh, pshaw! i'm not going back to flickr. i don't have time to keep up with all of my contacts.

websites suck but they're MUCH easier to deal with on a daily basis. ;D

r4kk4 said...

thanks so much!!

it's my favorite too! (i'm actually not too fond of the cabinets.)

Chad said...

Best looking cakes ever!

I want an NES Cake. Do you sell these online?

r4kk4 said...

thanks, chad!

no, sorry, i don't sell the cakes. i don't think they'd survive shipping.

but i'm thinking about selling cupcakes through my etsy site soon. i have to do some trial shipments as soon as the heatwaves' over to make sure they stay fresh enough through priority mail.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

BRAVO. They are too adorable for words.

Anonymous said...

i love the cakes, about how big are they?

Anonymous said...

Nice cakes, I really like the NES cake. = )

Marco Dianti said...

it reminds me "THE NEVERHOOD",
someone remember it?

Haskel(L)ove said...

NICE! I want to eat a line of tetris piece cakes, :D .

r4kk4 said...

thanks, everyone! you're really too kind about some melty cakes! haha!

the neverhood looks awesome, marco d! here's a link for anyone that's interested!

in anwser to how large the cakes are, they're only 9 inches tall (about 23 cm give or take a bit), 4 inches (around 10 cm) wide and 2 inches deep (around 5 cm) at the thickest part, 1/2" (1.5 cm) or so at the thinnest. i made them in a bread pan. haha!

thanks, marco and reno!

oh, and looksy! i'll be sending your package out today! thanks!!

Anonymous said...

The Bite, we were just there.

r4kk4 said...

were you really? how on earth were you able to tolerate such a large crowd in this heat?

and, a better question, was there any good food? (i didn't make it to the bite.)

Anonymous said...

These are great. Good job :-)

r4kk4 said...

thanks so much, tahir!

Anonymous said...

What a great job! Please come by to to post about your cakes!

Jessie said...

FAB cakes, girl! And you're from Seattle, too! HUZZAH!

r4kk4 said...

thanks, ladies! :D!

i live in seattle now, jessie, but i only moved here last year during bumbershoot weekend.

so that moron that you saw driving a uhaul and towing a car through the traffic in queen anne? that was me. HAHAHAH!!

Anonymous said...

These are awesome. I especially love the Gameboy with the Tetris cookies. So clever!

r4kk4 said...

thanks, jennifer!

nah, not so much clever as i just needed something to go with a tiny, melty cake. haha! but thanks!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant stuff. Takes me back to my '80s arcade days.

r4kk4 said...

thanks so much, sean! :D!

os said...

So, who gets to eat them? Me, right? :-D

r4kk4 said...

haha! if i had any left over, you could certainly have them, os!

they were donated to a cakewalk benefit for 826 seattle a few weeks ago. i'm not sure who won them.

Anonymous said...

Ce gateau est trop drole, je veux le manger, en + j'adore ses couleurs.
Mais...a-t-il bon goût ?

r4kk4 said...

merci ! mes amis qui a mangé l'en trop des gâteaux les a appréciés s'ils doivent avoir goûtés bien.

(mon français n'est pas très bon. :()

Anonymous said...

These are good. I was recently at a wedding where this was the wedding cake! It was even better than the photos show.

r4kk4 said...


how lucky for you that you were at that wedding! :D!

i'd seen the shots around the web the other day--it looks magnificent!