Monday, July 17, 2006


oh, baby! i just got my vox account! my, oh my, but it's swank!


Lisa B. said...

er, hem hem ...

hem hem ...

r4kk4 said...

i don't have any invites!!! :(

there's a link to "invite your friends!" but then it says "you have 0 invites". *sadness!!*

Irregular Shed said...

I have no idea of what Vox is. Should I care? I guess they're trying to build up that must-have thing that Gmail had when it first launched, with the invite thing...

That said, "hem hem" me too =)

r4kk4 said...

yeah, i think you might want to care a *little* bit aobut vox, shed. they're not bad!

i would *TOTALLY* give you an invite if i could! but there aren't any invites for me to give out!! :( :( :(

i think they're going through their email signup list at the moment. if i happen to get an invite, i'll be sure to send it your way!!

Anonymous said...

I know that I probably would never use a vox account; so why do I really really want to be invited?

r4kk4 said...

just to say that you were?

(i'm hearting vox right now. i wonder when the honeymoon will be over...)

santos. said...

i'm hearting vox right now, and i don't even have an invite :hem hem: haaaaaaaaaaa

i wonder if my heartness will continue until i actually get one. and once i get one, would i use it? are you switching over completely?

r4kk4 said...

i would SOOOO give you an invite to vox if i had one, chotda!

speaking of invites, do you want in on the super secret site? i can see about getting you added if you'd like! :D!

santos. said...

*wow* hemhem r4kk4 to the point of harassment, and ye shall receive :D :D

thank you, missy, even though i was really just hemming you to be annoying . i would heart an invite to the supersecretsite!

r4kk4 said...

i only got those invites today, sweets! otherwise i woulda' gotten it to you earlier! :D!

will do on the sss! lemme give leff a shout and see what i can do! :D! (please keep in mind that it's still hella alpha at the mo.)

Groc said...

so - willya be not blogspotting no more? warrabout 'blogr'?

r4kk4 said...

oh, i'll still be here. i've put too much work into this silly thing to give it up just because something flashy happens to come along. so, no need to worry. :D!

i'll just write on both of them. plus the other blogs that i write for. and i'll keep spreading myself thinner and thinner until nothing remains of me! haha!