yesterday turned out to be better than i had anticipated. after the early morning unpleasantries, i picked up my held copies of i like you and dispatches from blogistan from the library. (i don't think i'll be doing more than skimming blogistan. a flipped through it and read some choice sections out loud. ah well, at least it's a loaner and not permanently on my shelf.)
i'm sure you've surmised that a dropped by yesterday. we had sushi at sam's! ok, he and leff had sushi. (leff's sushi is in that bento somewhere...)
and i had a tasty bowl of bbq-ish chicken.
mmmmm! blurry!
we also watched "starship troopers". (leff's mom got him a copy for xmas.) i'm *so* glad that i didn't catch that when it was in theaters. i mean, for christ's sake! gas the damn planet with bug spray and get it over with! jesus!
today? it's soba noodle time! this year i'm making sure that we have soba and not udon like last new year's.
it's also a day for eggs. possibly herbed baked eggs or maybe omelettes. i also have to whip up a batch of hoppin john for new year's day and then find time for a bit of ritual new year's cleaning.
oh, and after that i have to drink and then watch the fireworks.
on thursday, leff and i played tourists. as you regulars know, we do this from time to time and it usually involves the international district at some point.
on the way to uwajimaya for rice vinegar, we learned that love kills heartfools. or maybe it kills heartfoods? if it killed heartworms, that would be awesome and useful.
regardless of what it kills, be wary of love. stickers speak the truth and i don't want you getting hurt.
we made a quick stop by zeitgeist for fuel and also so i could take this really awful stealth photo of the parnell diorama.
it's a terrible photo. you really should just go see this thing for yourself if you're in town. it's up until jan. 3rd, so you still have time.
our main reason for the id trip (besides rice vinegar) was breakfast. sepcifically, "jumpoffs". or in plain english, cream and cream cheese buns.
then i bought some more squid.
the next stop was going to be pike place market for some garlic spread and lunch at piroshky piroshky (it was a day for pastry, what can i say?) but we took a different way back to the bus this time and stumbled upon the kondike gold rush museum!! i mean, who knew?!??!
the museum is on the intimate side but the exhibits cover a great deal of territory. (yukon territory! *bah doom ching!* thank you , cleveland!!)
in all honesty though, it's a great little museum chock full of interactive exhibits including EMBOSSING!!!
this is one of the stamps from seattle. yeah, it's on a d.c. metro pass, it's the only paper that leff had in his wallet.
so to market, to market but not to buy a fat pig.
it was gorgeous outside yesterday, so after lunch, leff and i decided to walk home.
en route, we sidetracked to see how the sculpture park was progressing.
i can't wait until it opens on jan 20th!
later that night, leff and i went for coffee again (hey, i can't live on adrenaline alone.) and decided to swing by the center. ok, I decided that we should go to the center since i hadn't taken a photo of the holiday display yet.
there was a large crowd seated around a stage in the center house. a quick check on the schedule board showed that the aerialistas would be performing at 7.
i have to say, the times and signs at the center are always a bit misleading. we thought that the aerial show would start at 7, there was a band that played for 30 minutes before. a band that neither of us were particularly in the mood to listen to as you can see from this video of leff.
thankfully, leff had uploaded the new xmas "dr. who" onto his ipod
so we watched that while the band played on. (we also saw an adult man sit in a child's seat and break it, but that's another story.)
the aerialistas themselves were pretty fantastic! here are a few blurry shots of their performance.
and a bad video.
pretty damn awesome! now if only someone would start a feminist synchronized swim troupe a la the h2hos i would be living in paradise.
today we won't be doing nearly as many things. leff has to code on his side project and i have my own things to work on.
since yesterday involved leff's getting re-acclimated to seattle (i.e.--he slept a lot) and i had to wait on the grocery shipments, most of the day was spent in the apartment.
ok, all of the day was spent in the apartment. i had to delete leff's music from my hand-me-down mp3 player and then reload it with good music. that takes time. also, i got my craft: shirt which i'd forgotten about. (it's from when i participated in the craft/etsy contest earlier this year.)
i love this shirt. do you know another way that clothing can be fun? when you wear a scarf like a hat just like leff in this photo.
his aunt (??) crocheted it for him. it's wool. is it a blend? i don't know for sure. sorry, crafters. but it's a really nice scarf regardless of what it's made of.
i started another needlework last night. i abandonned the other two that i was working on because 1) they were taking too long 2) i hated them but this new one is coming along swimmingly.
i can't show you the front yet since it's a present for someone.
today i'm kicking leff's ass out of bed and we're doing something. he has a $50 visa gift card that he needs to spend so that could be fun.
today's post starts with a "life lesson". namely this, if you force pac man to eat square pellets, he will cry.
there're also two photos of the re-ment bakery basket that i mentioned the other day. a slightly blurry macro of the juice boxes
and some buns plus basket.
leff made it back to seattle in one piece yesterday. HOORAY!! at the same time that he was shuttling back to the apartment, my ningyoushi order was wending its way through the streets in a usps van.
in that package?? MAYURRA!!!
(warning: what follows are waaay too many pictures of pinkys. so, unless you're shed, you might want to stop reading here.)
mayura is my favorite of the range murata pinkys. (it's the cat ears, her tongue sticking out and the wink that *slays* me.) here's her default "dim sum" outfit.
and two views of her alternative outfit.
look, mayura is awesome.
even her base circle insert is cool.
don't get me wrong though, kaine is pretty fantastic too.
the eyepatch? hell yes!
her second outfit is the "pumpkin pants" which means she also has the "dj bag".
i also love the angry emoticon on her base circle insert.
so, yeah, i have all three of the range murata pinkys now. and they make me very, very, very happy.
also in my ningyoushi order was a chibi gallery series three boxing robot! eeep!
but back to leff and his prison sentence, er i mean, holiday in d.c.. his father got him an ipod for xmas.
which means...*fanfare, trumpets, etc!!* THE SANDISK IS NOW MINE!!!
AND!! omg, this is just the most perfect thing EVAR!, AN UNLICENSED HELLO KITTY DOLL!! AAAAAAAH!!!
and here's a detail.
i almost died when i opened that. i mean, HOLY HELL!!
ok, i think that's enough pictures of toys and dolls today, don't you? i swear, i'm turning into one of those weird old women that collects dolls. it's a bit disconcerting. i mean, what's next? a decaying dining room with a moldy, musty cake a la miss havisham!? gah!!